SBI PO Exam Pattern 2019: Detailed Prelims & Mains Exam Pattern

SBI PO Exam Pattern

The knowledge of SBI PO Exam Pattern is an important attribute that a candidate needs to follow to score high in the upcoming SBI PO 2019 Exam. The much-awaited notification to recruit 2000(approx) candidates for the SBI PO 2019 is already out and the preliminary examination is tentatively scheduled to be held on 8th,9th.15th and 16th June 2019. The notification came as a bliss for those who were waiting for a bright opportunity in the banking sector that too with the most reputed organization State Bank Of India. It is a good option for the candidates who could get through the exams last year.

You all must be feeling at sea if there is any changes in the exam pattern as compared to last year. So, Students this time SBI has not made any such changes in the exam pattern. Giving you the relief from sectional cut off, category wise merit list will be drawn on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in the preliminary examination.Candidates numbering approximately 10 times the numbers of vacancies(approx) in each category will be short listed for the Main Examination from the top of the merit list." 

Selection procedure for probationary officer will be done through a three tired process.
1.Preliminary exam (qualifying in nature)
2. Main examination and the Descriptive exam
3.Group exercise and the Interview.

SBI PO Preliminary Examination Pattern 2019:

Sr.No.Name of TestsNo. of QsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total1001001 hour (60 minutes)

SBI PO Main Examination Pattern 2019: 

Serial NumberSectionNo. of QuestionMax. MarksDuration
1.English Language35
40 minutes
2.Data Analysis and Interpretation356045 minutes
3.Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
4.General/Financial Awareness404035 minutes
Total155200 marks3 hours

One needs to be very fair and square with the efforts you put in this upcoming opportunity. One has to complete the test in the given time of 20 minutes for each section in the preliminary exam. All you need to work on your speed and accuracy. Do not let any of the section be a hitch in this examination. As earlier students used to give their maximum time either to reasoning or quantitative aptitude section. Those who have good command over the English language can score good with the mix of good accuracy.

So all you need to strategies your study plan accordingly so that you are not bundle of nerves while dealing with the SBI PO exam. You need to plan your study plan in a way so that you can handle the pressure with poise.

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